Monday, November 10, 2014

Where do we stand: Week ending 11/9/2014

A couple of quick notes, the Argentinian league has been rained out the past couple of weeks so there hasn't been much to report on there. The Cuban league is taking a month-long break right now, presumably with the anticipation of the Central American & Caribbean Games in Veracruz which begin tomorrow.

Arizona Fall League
Liga Venezolana Beisbol Profesional
Mexican Pacific League
Liga de Beisbol Profesional Dominicano
Liga de Beisbol Profesional Nacional
Australian Baseball League
Liga de Beisbol Profesional Roberto Clemente
Liga Colombiano de Beisbol Profesional
LCBP doesn't have their standings up yet, but here's the current ones.
Tigres de Cartegena 2-1
Toros de Sincelejo 2-1
Caimanes de Barranquilla 1-2
Leones de Monteria 1-2

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